iOS頻道首頁角色扮演射擊游戲賽車游戲休閑益智動作游戲體育游戲策略游戲模擬經(jīng)營iOS軟件生活日常 社交通訊 攝影錄像 休閑娛樂 學(xué)習辦公 商業(yè)金融 女性兒童 影視音樂 系統(tǒng)工具 iOS補丁 您所在的位置:跑跑車手機網(wǎng) → 跑跑車蘋果網(wǎng) → 系統(tǒng)工具 → Absinthe 2.0 for Mac
版本:(Untethered 5.1.1 Jailbreak)
Apple Watch:否
軟件教程 Absinthe2.0給iOS 5.1.1完美越獄前的準備工作iphone4/ipod4 ios5.1.1系統(tǒng)紅雪Redsn0w完美越怎么從 iOS 6 測試版降級到 iOS 5.1.1 教程
相關(guān)應(yīng)用 Microsoft PowerPoint iphone版Microsoft PowerPoint iphone版Microsoft PowerPoint for iPadMicrosoft PowerPoint for iPadabsinthe 2.0.4absinthe 2.0.4absinthe 2.0.4absinthe 2.0.4absinthe 2.0.2absinthe 2.0.2absinthe 2.0.1absinthe 2.0.1Absinthe for windows/mac/linux 2.01Absinthe for windows/mac/linux 2.01苦艾酒Absinthe2.0 for linux苦艾酒Absinthe2.0 for linux
類似推薦 懶人輸入法iphone版懶人輸入法iphone版搜狗輸入法ios8版搜狗輸入法ios8版phoneclean pro 破解版phoneclean pro 破解版百度iphone版百度iphone版qq電腦管家mac版qq電腦管家mac版ifunbox for macifunbox for mac快用蘋果助手電腦版快用蘋果助手電腦版威鋒ios越獄助手威鋒ios越獄助手
As most of you know that Absinthe 2.0 jailbreak will support all iOS devices except Apple TV 3.
Absinthe 5.1.1 Untethered jailbreak will support below devices:
iPhone 3Gs
iPhone 4
iPhone 4 CDMA
iPhone 4S
iPad 1
iPad 2 Wifi
iPad 2 GSM
iPad 2 CDMA
iPad 2 Wifi, R2
iPad 3 Wifi
iPad 3 Global
iPad 3 CDMA
iPod 3G
iPod 4G
AppleTV 2
Absinthe 5.1.1 untethered jailbreak has a user-friendly interface. When using Absinthe to jailbreak your iDevice you won’t need to put your iDevice in DFU mode. It will take 5 minutes to jailbreak your iDevice using Absinth 5.1.1 untethered jailbreak
Tip: Now absinthe2.0 not yet officially released, but concern royaljewelryandwatches.com, we willrelease the first time download.
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