Minor Alchemist's Art
1x Embereyes
1x Sky Blossom
Minor Assassin's Evasion
1x Cripplespore Caps
1x Sky Blossom
Minor Blacksmith's Craft
1x Tindertwig
1x Sky Blossom
Minor Blazing Salve (加火傷)
2x Tindertwig
1x Scarwood Bark
Minor Bleeding Resistance (加流血抗)
2x Scarlet Flowstone
1x Ysa's Breath
Minor Burning Sentinel (概率燒敵)
2x Tindertwig
1x Edelweiss
Minor Current Stopper (加電抗)
2x Eel Petal
1x Ysa's Breath
Minor Damage Boost (加全部傷害)
3x Sativa Fibers
3x Star Thistle
2x Scarwood Bark
Minor Damage Deflection (加全抗)
2x Sativa Fibers
2x Star Thistle
1x Ysa's Breath
Minor Dispelling Boost
1x Star Thistle
1x Sky Blossom
Minor Experience (加經(jīng)驗(yàn)) Boost
2x Prismere Dust
1x Leechwood Bark
Minor Flameguard (加火炕)
1x Tindertwig
1x Ysa's Breath
Minor Flesh Eater (概率吸血)
2x Black Cohosh
2x Leechwood Bark
Minor Force Potion (加物傷)
2x Sativa Fibers
1x Scarwood Bark
Minor Freezing Sentinel (概率凍敵)
2x White Flake
1x Edelweiss
Minor Frostbite (加冰傷)
2x White Flake
1x Scarwood Bark
Minor Frostguard (加冰抗)
1x White Flake
1x Ysa's Breath
Minor Hardened Shell (加物防)
2x Sativa Fibers
2x Ysa's Breath
Minor Healing Potion (回血)
2x Black Cohosh
1x Embereyes
Minor Health Regen (快速回血)
2x Black Cohosh
1x Scarlet Flowstone
Minor Jeweled Shilelagh
1x White Flake
1x Sky Blossom
Minor Lightning Sentinel (概率電擊)
2x Eel Petal
1x Edelweiss
Minor Lightning Storm (加電傷)
2x Eel Petal
1x Scarwood Bark
Minor Magebane (加元素抗)
2x Star Thistle
2x Ysa's Breath
Minor Magic Amp (加 ability力度)
2x Star Thistle
2x Scarwood Bark
Minor Magic Precision (加魔暴率)
2x Scarab Salts
1x Star Thistle
Minor Mana Potion (回魔)
2x Softscrabble Powder
1x Embereyes
Minor Mana Regen (快速回魔)
2x Softscrabble Powder
1x Scarlet Flowstone
Minor Mana Sap (概率吸魔)
2x Softscrabble Powder
2x Leechwood Bark
Minor Merchant's Command
1x Sativa Fibers
1x Sky Blossom
Minor Phasewalk (隱身)
2x Star Thistle
1x Cripplespore Caps
2x Sky Blossom
Minor Piercing Serum (加刺傷)
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Scarlet Flowstone
Minor Precision (加暴率) 2x Scarab Salts
1x Sativa Fibers
Minor Social Grace
1x Leechwood Bark
1x Sky Blossom
Minor Sorcerer’s Int (加魔上限)
2x Softscrabble Powder
2x Star Thistle
Minor Serpent’s Venom (加毒傷)
2x Cripplespore Caps
1x Scarwood Bark
Minor Slashing Fury (加流血傷害)
2x Scarlet Flowstone
1x Scarwood Bark
Minor Steeled Curtain (加全部防御)
2x Seaflax
1x Ysa's Breath
Minor Thief's Cunning
1x Eel Petal
1x Sky Blossom
Minor Tracker's Draught
1x Scarab Salts
1x Sky Blossom
Minor Venomguard (加毒防)
2x Cripplespore Caps
1x Ysa's Breath
Minor Warrior’s Strength (加生命上限)
2x Black Cohosh
2x Sativa Fibers
Greater Alchemist's Art
2x Embereyes
2x Sky Blossom
1x Bloodroot
Greater Assassin's Evasion
2x Cripplespore Caps
2x Sky Blossom
1x Bloodroot
Greater Blacksmith's Craft
2x Tindertwig
2x Sky Blossom
1x Bloodroot
Greater Blazing Salve (加火傷)
3x Tindertwig
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Bloodroot
Greater Bleeding Resistance (加流血抗)
2x Scarlet Flowstone
2x Ysa's Breath
1x Seaflax
Greater Burning Sentinel (概率燒敵)
3x Tindertwig
2x Edelweiss
1x Seaflax
Greater Current Stopper (加電抗)
2x Eel Petal
2x Ysa's Breath
1x Seaflax
Greater Damage Boost (加全部傷害)
4x Sativa Fibers
4x Star Thistle
3x Scarwood Bark
1x Essence of Fate
Greater Damage Deflection (加全抗)
3x Sativa Fibers
3x Star Thistle
2x Ysa's Breath
1x Essence of Fate
Greater Dispelling Boost
2x Star Thistle
2x Sky Blossom
1x Bloodroot
Greater Experience (加經(jīng)驗(yàn)) Boost
3x Prismere Dust
2x Leechwood Bark
1x Bloodroot
Greater Flameguard (加火炕)
2x Tindertwig
2x Ysa's Breath
1x Seaflax
Greater Flesh Eater (概率吸血)
3x Black Cohosh
3x Leechwood Bark
1x Scarwood Bark
Greater Force Potion (加物傷)
3x Sativa Fibers
3x Scarwood Bark
1x Bloodroot
Greater Freezing Sentinel (概率凍敵)
3x White Flake
2x Edelweiss
1x Seaflax
Greater Frostbite (加冰傷)
3x White Flake
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Bloodroot
Greater Frostguard (加冰抗)
2x White Flake
2x Ysa's Breath
1x Seaflax
Greater Hardened Shell (加物防)
3x Sativa Fibers
3x Ysa's Breath
1x Seaflax
Greater Healing Potion (回血)
3x Black Cohosh
2x Embereyes
1x Bloodroot
Greater Health Regen (快速回血)
3x Black Cohosh
2x Scarlet Flowstone
1x Bloodroot
Greater Jeweled Shilelagh
2x White Flake
2x Sky Blossom
1x Bloodroot
Greater Lightning Sentinel (概率電擊)
3x Eel Petal
2x Edelweiss
1x Seaflax
Greater Lightning Storm (加電傷)
3x Eel Petal
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Bloodroot
Greater Magebane (加元素抗)
3x Star Thistle
3x Ysa's Breath
1x Seaflax
Greater Magic Amp (加 ability力度)
3x Star Thistle
3x Scarwood Bark 1x Bloodroot
Greater Magic Precision (加魔暴率)
3x Scarab Salts
2x Star Thistle
1x Scarwood Bark
Greater Mana Potion (回魔)
3x Softscrabble Powder
2x Embereyes
1x Bloodroot
Greater Mana Regen (快速回魔)
3x Softscrabble Powder
2x Scarlet Flowstone
1x Bloodroot
Greater Mana Sap (概率吸魔)
3x Softscrabble Powder
3x Leechwood Bark
1x Scarwood Bark
Greater Merchant's Command
2x Sativa Fibers
2x Sky Blossom
1x Bloodroot
Greater Phasewalk (隱身)
2x Star Thistle
1x Cripplespore Caps
2x Sky Blossom
1x Essence of Fate
Greater Piercing Serum (加刺傷)
3x Scarwood Bark
3x Scarlet Flowstone
1x Sativa Fibers
Greater Precision (加暴率)
3x Scarab Salts
2x Sativa Fibers
1x Scarwood Bark
Greater Social Grace
2x Leechwood Bark
2x Sky Blossom
1x Bloodroot
Greater Sorcerer’s Int (加魔上限)
3x Softscrabble Powder
3x Star Thistle
1x Bloodroot
Greater Serpent’s Venom (加毒傷)
3x Cripplespore Caps
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Bloodroot
Greater Slashing Fury (加流血傷害)
3x Scarlet Flowstone
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Bloodroot
Greater Steeled Curtain (加全部防御)
2x Seaflax
2x Ysa's Breath
1x Bloodroot
Greater Thief's Cunning
2x Eel Petal
2x Sky Blossom
1x Bloodroot
Greater Tracker's Draught
2x Scarab Salts
2x Sky Blossom
1x Bloodroot
Greater Venomguard (加毒防)
2x Cripplespore Caps
2x Ysa's Breath
1x Seaflax
Greater Warrior’s Strength (加生命上限)
3x Black Cohosh
3x Sativa Fibers
1x Bloodroot
Master Alchemist's Art
2x Embereyes
2x Sky Blossom
2x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
Master Assassin's Evasion
2x Cripplespore Caps
2x Sky Blossom
2x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
Master Blacksmith's Craft
2x Tindertwig
2x Sky Blossom
2x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
Master Blazing Salve (加火傷)
3x Tindertwig
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
Master Bleeding Resistance (加流血抗)
2x Scarlet Flowstone
2x Ysa's Breath
1x Seaflax
1x Essence of Fate
Master Burning Sentinel (概率燒敵)
3x Tindertwig
2x Edelweiss
1x Seaflax
1x Essence of Fate
Master Current Stopper (加電抗)
2x Eel Petal
2x Ysa's Breath
1x Seaflax
1x Essence of Fate
Master Dispelling Boost
2x Star Thistle
2x Sky Blossom
2x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
Master Experience (加經(jīng)驗(yàn)) Boost
3x Prismere Dust
2x Leechwood Bark
2x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
Master Force Potion (加物傷)
3x Sativa Fibers
3x Scarwood Bark
2x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
Master Flameguard (加火炕)
2x Tindertwig
2x Ysa's Breath
1x Seaflax
1x Essence of Fate
Master Flesh Eater (概率吸血)
3x Black Cohosh
3x Leechwood Bark
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Essence of Fate
Master Frostbite (加冰傷)
3x White Flake
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
Master Frostguard (加冰抗)
2x White Flake
2x Ysa's Breath
1x Seaflax
1x Essence of Fate
Master Freezing Sentinel (概率凍敵)
3x White Flake
2x Edelweiss
1x Seaflax
1x Essence of Fate
Master Hardened Shell (加物防)
3x Sativa Fibers
3x Ysa's Breath
2x Seaflax
1x Essence of Fate
Master Healing Potion (回血)
3x Black Cohosh
2x Emebereyes
1x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
Master Health Regen (快速回血)
3x Black Cohsoh
2x Scarlet Flowstone
1x Bloodroot
1x Essence fo Fate
Master Jeweled Shilelagh
2x White Flake
2x Sky Blossom
2x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
Master Lightning Sentinel (概率電擊)
3x Eel Petal
2x Edelweiss
1x Seaflax
1x Essence of Fate
Master Lightning Storm (加電傷)
3x Eel Petal 2x Scarwood Bark
1x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
Master Magebane (加元素抗)
3x Star Thistle
3x Ysa's Breath
2x Seaflax
1x Essence of Fate
Master Magic Amp (加 ability力度)
3x Star Thistle
3x Scarwood Bark
2x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
Master Magic Precision (加魔暴率)
3x Scarab Salts
2x Star Thistle
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Essence of Fate
Master Mana Potion (回魔)
3x Softscrabble Powder
2x Embereyes
1x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
Master Mana Regen (快速回魔)
3x Softscrabble Powder
2x Scarlet Flowstone
1x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
Master Mana Sap (概率吸魔)
3x Softscrabble Powder
3x Leechwood Bark
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Essence of Fate
Master Merchant's Command
2x Sativa Fibers
2x Sky Blossom
2x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
Master Piercing Serum (加刺傷)
3x Scarwood Bark
3x Scarlet Flowstone
2x Sativa Fibers
1x Essence of Fate
Master Precision (加暴率)
3x Scarab Salts
2x Sativa Fibers
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Essence of Fate
Master Social Grace
2x Leechwood Bark
2x Sky Blossom
2x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
Master Sorcerer’s Int (加魔上限)
3x Softscrabble Powder
3x Star Thistle
1x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
Master Serpent’s Venom (加毒傷)
3x Cripplespore Caps
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
Master Slashing Fury (加流血傷害)
3x Scarlet Flowstone
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
Master Steeled Curtain (加全部防御)
2x Seaflax
2x Ysa's Breath
1x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
Master Thief's Cunning
2x Eel Petal
2x Sky Blossom
2x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
Master Tracker's Draught
2x Scarab Salts
2x Sky Blossom
2x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
Master Venomguard (加毒防)
2x Cripplespore Caps
2x Ysa's Breath
1x Seaflax
1x Essence of Fate
Master Warrior’s Strength (加生命上限)
3x Black Cohosh
3x Sativa Fibers
1x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
Fate Potion(加滿紫條的?)
4x Essence of Fate
** Note ** You cannot use "experimentation" to
get the Fate potion since it only uses one re-agent.
You must have an alchemy skill of 10 to unlock the
recipe to create the formula. Liquid Seduction(加成說服異性)
1x Scarwood Bark
1x Tindertwig
1x Sky Blossom
Purification Potion(治療某些疾病,沒有治療詛咒的?)
2x Embereyes
2x Ysa's Breath
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