
當前位置:首頁攻略秘籍單機秘籍 → 龍騰世紀:起源控制臺秘籍


作者:小曾來源:本站整理 發(fā)表時間:2011/2/6 9:26:08 評論(0)


1.找到dragon age/bin_ship/daorigins
2.發(fā)送到桌面快捷方式,右鍵-屬性-快捷方式-目標-改成'E:\Dragonge\bin_ship\daorigins.exe' -enabledeveloperconsole

Result Cheat Code
Invincibility runscript pc_immortal
Set main character's (self) Strength and Dexterity to 50 and Mana or Stamina to 1000 runscript zz_supercrit player
Set character's Strength and Dexterity to 50 and Mana or Stamina to 1000 [Note] runscript zz_supercrit gen00fl_[character name]
Restore full mana or stamina to selected character runscript restore
Add indicated amount of experience points runscript addxp [number]
Add indicated amount of copper runscript zz_money [number]
Add party member runscript zz_addparty [NPC name]
Add skill, spell, or talent to your character runscript addtalent [number]
Remove skill, spell, or talent from your character runscript removetalent [number]
Alternate character appearance runscript appearance [number]
Remove all injuries from party runscript injury remparty
Remove all injuries from self runscript injury remall
Add to companion approval rating runscript zz_addapproval [companion] [number]
Break the party companion limit runscript zz_addparty
Remove entire party runscript zz_dropparty
Heal player or party runscript healplayer
Selected melee character uses random finisher regardless of target's health for instant kill; only uses proper finisher on humanoid targets runscript zz_deathblow
Kill all enemies in area runscript killallhostiles
Knock back enemies and form a shield around you runscript bowlingforferelden
Toggle perceived enemies cannot use special abilities runscript ai abilities [0 or 1]
Toggle AI runscript ai [on or off]
Full map runscript zz_reveal_map
Display Enchantment menu runscript zz_upgrade
Party member plot gifts runscript zz_party_addgifts
Transform into level 2 Mage runscript wizard
Transform into level 2 Rogue runscript rogue
Transform into level 2 Warrior runscript warrior
Talk to nearest NPC runscript zz_talk_nearest
Teleport to Duncan's fire in Ostagar runscript zz_pre_strategy
Teleport to Ostagar runscript zz_pre_demo2
Teleport to random locations on current map runscript zz_jump_around
Advance to climax at Redcliffe castle runscript zz_cli_debug
Start character generation interface runscript chargen 0
Start character level up interface runscript chargen 1
Start Arl Eamon Debug Helper script; allows modification of plot states and teleporting runscript zz_arl_debug
Start Circle of Magi Debug Helper script; allows modification of plot states and teleporting runscript zz_cir_debug
Start Paragon of her Kind Debug Helper script; allows modification of plot states and teleporting runscript zz_orz_debug
Start Prelude Debug Helper script; allows modification of plot states and teleporting runscript zz_pre_debug
Start Urn of Sacred Ashes script; allows modification of plot states and teleporting runscript zz_urn_debug
All achievements runscript cheater
Origin screen runscript chargen
Party select screen runscript selectparty


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