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作者:佚名來源:本站整理 發(fā)表時間:2011/1/28 16:37:09 評論(0)
3 頁 第三頁



Frigates were large and powerful multipurpose warships. In heated battles they could stand their own against any enemy ship, with the exception of Ship of the Lines. The Frigate's high speed made them the preferred ships for escorting faster merchant vessels. Their speed also made them ideal for missions involving patrolling, either solo or in pairs. Frigates were also used to hunt pirates and blockade enemy ports.



Ship-of-the-line was designed to be used in line formation. This way they could sail past the enemy and fire a broadside after broadside in rapid succession. Light ship-of-the-line has around fifty heavy cannons on two decks. They are not agile or fast ships. If the enemy decides to make a run for it, ship-of-the-line would have hard time to catch up. Being able to transport large number of marines, ships-of-the-line are also excellent when attacking enemy ports.



Ship of the Lines were the quintessential battleship of the era. Though they were slow and sluggish to manoeuvre, Heavy Ship of the Lines were the most powerful sailing vessels on the high seas. They were often ranked 1st or 2nd rate in a company's fleet. Though the first models were already built during the 15th century, this type of warship had an important role in naval battles all over the World spanning the 17th to 19th century. Ship of the Lines often had over one hundred cannons spread across three decks and a crew of more than one thousand men. Fighting in formation, with a long line of ships sailing one behind the other, they bombarded their enemies with devastating broadside attacks.


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