
當前位置:首頁攻略秘籍單機心得 → 《指環(huán)王:北方戰(zhàn)爭》猜謎語賺盤纏


作者:不詳來源:本站整理 發(fā)表時間:2011/11/15 10:35:57 評論(0)







  1 -晚上來沒有被告知,他們來 。一天,他們失去了不被竊取。答案是明星。

  2 - ​​什么是如此脆弱,甚至說名稱可以打破它。答案是沉默。

  3 -我總是餓了,我需要喂食。我的手指觸摸,很快就會變成紅色。答案是火。

  4 -總是處于運行狀態(tài)永遠不會走路。通常淙淙從未談論。有一張床,但不夜城 。有一張嘴,但從來不吃 。挑選的河流。

  5 -我在地球深處發(fā)現。毆打和焚燒時,我可以成為一個血渴殺手 。答案是鐵的 。

  6 -是什么給別人后,你必須保持。你一句話。

  7 -你少你看。答案是黑暗的。

  8 -每天早晨我出現在你的腳整天。我將遵循無論您運行的速度有多快,但我?guī)缀踉谥醒囊惶焯柼?。答案是陰影。

  9 -這些你把更多的越多,你留下。腳步聲。

  10 -我的生活可以以小時為單位計量。我被吞噬薄的服務,我快我慢,脂肪,風是我的敵人,我是什么?蠟燭

  11 -我開車的男子想我瘋了 。我很容易破碎,但從來沒有免費的。答案是黃金。

  12 -什么是你的,但用別人多嗎?你的名字。


  1 – At night come they come without being told. At day they are lost without being stolen. The answer is stars.

  2 – What is it that’s so fragile, even saying the name can break it. The answer is silence.

  3 – I’m always hungry, I need to be fed. The finger I touch, will soon turn red. The answer is fire.

  4 – Always running never walking. Often murmuring never talking. Has a bed but never sleeps. Has a mouth but never eats. Pick the river.

  5 – I’m found deep in the earth. When beaten and burned I can become a blood thirsty killer. The answer is iron.

  6 – What is it you must keep, after giving it to someone else. You word.

  7 – The more of you the less you see. The answer is Darkness.

  8 – Each morning I appear at you feet all day. I will follow no matter how fast you run, yet I nearly parish in the mid day sun. The answer is Shadow.

  9 – The more of these you take, the more you leave behind. Footsteps.

  10 – My life can be measured in hours. I serve by being devoured thin, I am quick, fat I am slow, Wind is my foe, What am I? Candle

  11 – I drive men mad for want of me. I’m easily broken, but never free. The answer is gold.

  12 – What is yours but is used more by others? Your name.


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