首頁手游網(wǎng)游攻略→ 東方奧德賽國際服新版重大更新公告 五星英雄開放六星進(jìn)化

東方奧德賽國際服新版重大更新公告 五星英雄開放六星進(jìn)化

作者:不詳來源:本站整理2015/6/5 17:35:31我要評論





















Greetings East Legend players!

We would like to update everyone about what is in the works for East Legend!

Enjoy this exciting Developers Notes which explains the changes and improvements for the next major update coming very soon!

1. Item Evolution System

As mentioned in the previous notes, when you evolve Rare items there is a chance for the item to turn into a Normal item. Also it was possible for the item type to turn into a different kind, such as armor turning into shoes.

The item evolution system will be improved in the next update!

After evolving an item, the item type and set type will stay the same and the item rarity and star grade will increase accordingly.

Another important improvement is that the cost to evolve has been decreased.

2-star => 3-star grade item evolutions will be available for purchase with gold and the stats and star grade will increase.

4-star grade and above item evolutions will be available for purchase with evolution scrolls. The evolution scrolls will be available in the next update.

2. Guild: New Content!

Finally what everyone has been waiting for! More guild features will be unlocked!

Contribution points will be available along with Guild Raid!

Guilds will now be able to get CP, level up their guild, and get better guild rewards.

3. Colosseum: New Content!

There will be two new additions to the Colosseum: Team Battle and Tag Battle

Team Battle

Test your strategy and knowledge of your heroes! You will be able to form 3 teams each with 4 heroes. You will fight 1:1 with one team at each time with another player’s team and whoever is the last hero standing will be the winner.

Tag Battle

Each player will choose three heroes: 2 main heroes and 1 hidden hero.

You will fight with one hero at each given time, but you can “tag” between the two heroes. You can use the 1 hidden hero when the 2 main heroes are defeated. You will not see the opponent’s hidden hero and vice versa.

4. Colosseum Rewards

Colosseum rewards will also be improved to be more rewarding.

5. Colosseum: Auto Battle System

The Colosseum’s auto battle system will be improved as well.

If you use autoplay mode, you will be able to use autoskill with the new update.

6. More 6-star evolutions!

More heroes will be available with 6 star evolution:

For now we have added them to 5 heroes: Lilith, Ilyn, Diana, Hades, Luke

Also Diana’s skill has been improved with her range attack implemented in the 6 star state.

Don’t see a character you want? No worries, there will be more heroes with 6 star evolution available in the future!

7. World Map UI

The world map and loading screens have been drastically improved.

The world map will be easier and faster to load for all players in mind and it will be easier to view the stages and distinguish between the boss stages.

The loading screen has been improved to make the game more fluid with less lagging and waiting time.

There will also be an “instant start” button at the Victory/Defeat screen, which will skip returning to the team formation screen. This will allow players to start the stage immediately again.

8. Adventure Map: Difficulty

Normal Ch 1-5 difficulty will be decreased.

9. Chat UI

You will be able to scroll up and down in the chat to check previous comments.

Hero and equipment notifications will be shown in a different section of the chat. Also the font will be enlarged.

10. Hero Management

There will be a new button in the Heroes menu for players to edit the team instead of having to dismiss them one by one.

11. Misc.

-Friend Point popup improvement

With the new update you will be able to send the friend point by touching one button instead of having the confirm notification popup

- We are also improving the item inventory menu recommendation system to take into consideration the sets

-Merchant shop and secret shop will have better items

-Heroes with bugged skills will be fixed in next update


游戲名稱: 東方奧德賽East Legendv1.2.6
下載地址: http://royaljewelryandwatches.com/android/84559.html
游戲名稱: 東方奧德賽iphone/ipad版1.3.5
下載地址: http://royaljewelryandwatches.com/app/84550.html


東方奧德賽 East Mobile中,玩家將縱橫于各大戰(zhàn)場,從人類到半獸人,再從天使到惡魔,玩家可以根據(jù)自己偏好,收集五種屬性的300多位英雄,每一個角色都以 3D 模型體現(xiàn)。玩家將會現(xiàn)身德奧西斯大陸,跟隨劇情完成內(nèi)容龐大的主線任務(wù),或者是協(xié)助好友和公會成員共同挑戰(zhàn)強(qiáng)大 BOSS,甚至還可以在競技場中與其他玩家一決勝負(fù)。




