首頁手游新聞→ 我的世界手機版0.14.0b4更新內(nèi)容一覽_MCPE0.14.0b4


作者:佚名來源:本站整理2016/2/3 8:43:22我要評論





·Double Ferns now spawn in cold climates all over the world!

·Redwood Forests’ moss stone boulders are rounder

·Boats now appear exactly where the player has clicked/tapped

·Creeper explosions are now much stronger and consistent in power

·Naturally spawned Villagers will now have more variety of professions

·Updated translations to change them words!

·Cannot harm Zombies with a potion of Harming anymore

Bug Fixes

·Crash fixed when rejoining a game after the game was suspended

·Crash fixed when placing an Item Frame above a Chest

·Crash fixed when the player destroys a torch that is part of a broken pulsar circuit

·Android’s system bar doesn’t appear anymore when ingame!

·Fixed various Cauldron synchronization issues

·Fixed hang up because of infinite loops

·Boats don’t collide with you anymore when you stop riding them

·Fixed Hopper lighting

·Mobs now walk normally when put on slabs

·Items placed in an Item Frame shouldn’t retain the rotation of the last item contained in it

·Hopper Loop clocks now produce the correct ON/OFF signal

·Red Sandstone now uses the correct sounds

·Fixed contents of Minecarts being black

·Clients now consume an instance of the item when placing it in an Item Frame

·Cobblestone Wall texture is now actually all fixed 100% pinky swear

·Removed extra black pixels from items

·[Redacted] from [Redacted] will not crash the game anymore if [Redacted]

·Fixed Creepers not exploding if the player is below them

·Can now feed baby Ocelots

·Redstone-powered doors now remain powered after reloading

·Fix to the Language Screen

·When destroying a two-parts block, particles will be visible for both parts on clients too

·Fixed Double Trapped Chests circuitry

·Item Frame Maps don’t flicker anymore when watched from a distance

·Redstone wire has less overdraw now


- 兩格高的蕨現(xiàn)在生成在全世界所有氣候寒冷的地方

- 云杉林中覆蓋苔蘚的巨石現(xiàn)在更圓了

- 船現(xiàn)在準(zhǔn)確地出現(xiàn)在玩家點按的地方

- 爬行者的爆炸現(xiàn)在更加劇烈而且強度一致

- 自然生成的村民現(xiàn)在有更多的職業(yè)種類

- 升級后的翻譯

- 不能再用傷害藥水傷害僵尸了


- 修復(fù)了在暫停游戲后重進游戲?qū)е碌谋罎?/p>

- 修復(fù)了在箱子上方放置物品展示框時導(dǎo)致的崩潰

- 修復(fù)了玩家破壞脈沖電路中的火把時導(dǎo)致的崩潰

- Android系統(tǒng)欄不再出現(xiàn)在游戲中

- 修復(fù)了少有的煉藥鍋的同步問題

- 修復(fù)了因無限箭矢導(dǎo)致的延遲

- 船不再會在你停下它時與你發(fā)生碰撞

- 修復(fù)了漏斗的光照問題

- 生物現(xiàn)在在臺階上行走速度正常

- 放入物品展示框中的物品不應(yīng)該保持上一個被放入的方塊所旋轉(zhuǎn)的角度

- 漏斗循環(huán)時鐘現(xiàn)在產(chǎn)生正確的開關(guān)信號

- 紅沙石現(xiàn)在使用正確的音效

- 修復(fù)了礦車內(nèi)容變黑的問題

- 當(dāng)你把一個物品放入物品展示框時,客戶端會消耗一個物品

- 圓石墻材質(zhì)現(xiàn)在被100%修復(fù)

- 移除了物品材質(zhì)中多余的黑色像素

- 從「編輯」中編輯不會再使游戲崩潰

- 修復(fù)了玩家在爬行者下方時爬行者不爆炸的問題

- 現(xiàn)在可以喂食幼年豹貓了

- 由紅石供能的門現(xiàn)在在重新加載后保持被充能狀態(tài)

- 修復(fù)了語言界面的問題

- 當(dāng)破壞由兩個部分組成的方塊時,客戶端現(xiàn)在也可以看到兩部分粒子效果了

- 修復(fù)了大型陷阱箱電路

- 隔一段距離觀看放入物品展示框內(nèi)的地圖時,地圖不會再閃爍了

- 紅石線現(xiàn)在不再太過夸張了。





