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網(wǎng)站首頁 -> 主機頻道 -> 電玩攻略教程 -> 暗黑3終極邪惡版 中文技能屬性裝備翻譯 暗黑3終極邪惡版 中文技能屬性裝備翻譯作者:lj11574  來源:巴士論壇   2014/7/30 15:24:28   我要評論0

    《暗黑破壞神3:終極邪惡版》將會提供完整一至五章冒險,從備受戰(zhàn)火摧殘的新崔斯特姆到混沌界要塞的遠古大廳,玩家可以選擇:野蠻人、狩魔獵人、武僧、巫醫(yī)、秘術(shù)師,以及全新的圣教軍,游戲支援PlayStation Network,讓玩家跟朋友在線上相會,進行游戲邀請,及使用語音交談。由于本次發(fā)售會是英文版,花時間整理了一些裝備中常用技能的翻譯,獻給那些對英文版無從下手的朋友!


Level(* * *) : 等級( 巔峰等級 )

Strength : 力量

Dexterity : 敏捷

Intelligence : 智力

Vitality : 體力

Armor : 護甲值

Damage : 傷害值


Damage Increased by(Strength 、 Dexterity 、 Intelligence)

(力量、敏捷、智力) 傷害加成

Damage Increased by Skills


Attacks per Second


Critical Hit Chance


Critical Hit Damage



Block Amount


Block Chance


Dodge Chance


Damage Reduction


Physical Resistance

物理 抗性

Cold Resistance

冰寒 抗性

Fire Resistance

火焰 抗性

Lightning Resistance

電擊 抗性

Poison Resistance

毒素 抗性

Arcane Resistance

秘法 抗性

Holy Resistance

神圣 抗性

Crowd Control Reduction


Missile Damage Reduction


Melee Damage Reduction





Maximum Life


Total Life Bonus


Life per Second


Life per Kill


Life per Hit


Health Globe Healing Bonus


Bonus to Gold / Globe radius

(金幣與生命球) 拾取距離加成


Movement Speed


Gold Find


Magic Find


Bonus Experience


Bonus Experience per Kill




  +(416-500) 體能 +(416-500)Vitality

  +(416-500) 力量 +(416-500)Strength

  +(416-500) 敏捷 +(416-500)Dexterity

  +(416-500) 智力 +(416-500)Intelligence

  +(6-10)% 傷害 +(6-10)% Damage

  +(60-80)-(120-160) 點傷害 +(60-80)-(120-160)Damage

  +(10-15)% 生命值 +(10-15)%Life

  +(373-397) 護甲值 +(373-397)Armor

  +(10-12)% 移動速度 +(10-12)%Movement Speed

  +16% 格擋機率 +16%Chance to Block

  +(32-35)% 怪物金幣掉落量 +(32-35)%Extra Gold from Monsters

  攻擊速度提高 (5.0-7.0)% Attack Speed Increased by (5.0-7.0)%

  尋獲魔法物品機率提高 (25-50)% (25-50)% Better Chance of Finding Magical Items

  對精英怪的傷害提高 (25-30)% Increases damage against elites by (25-30)%

  精英怪所造成的傷害降低 (12.0-16.0)% Reduces damage from elites by (12.0-16.0)%

  所有技能的冷卻時間縮短 (5.0-8.0)% Reduces cooldown of all skills by (5.0-8.0)%.

  受到的近戰(zhàn)傷害降低 (6.0-7.0)% Reduces damage from melee attacks by (6.0-7.0)%

  受到的遠程傷害降低 (6.0-7.0)% Reduces damage from ranged attacks by (6.0-7.0)%.

  爆擊傷害提高 (26.0-50.0)% Critical Hit Damage Increased by (26.0-50.0)%

  爆擊機率提高 (4.5-6.0)% Critical Hit Chance Increased by (4.5-6.0)%

  每秒恢復(fù) (1864-2476) 點生命值 Regenerates(1864-2476) Life per Second

  控場類有害效果的持續(xù)時間縮短 (20-40)% Reduces duration of control impairing effects by (20-40)%

  生命之球與藥水恢復(fù)量 +(20001-29713) Health Globes and Potions Grant+(20001-29713) Life.

  金幣與生命之球拾取距離延長 (10-20) 碼 Increases Goldand Health Pickup by (10-20) Yards.

  殺死敵人時掉落生命之球的機率提高 (3-4)% Enemies you kill have a (3-4)% additional chance to drop a health globe.

  擊中時有機會造成 (10-20)% 的范圍傷害 Chance to Deal(10-20)% Area Damage on Hit.

  擊中生命恢復(fù) +(1551-1980) +(1551-1980) Life per Hit

  擊殺生命恢復(fù) +(4252-5942) +(4252-5942) Life after Each Kill

  擊殺怪物獲得的經(jīng)驗值 +(140-200) Monster kills grant +(140-200) experience.

  使所有能量的消耗減少 (5-8)% Reduces all resource costs by (5-8)%.

  鑲孔(1) Sockets (1)

  無視耐久度的毀損 IgnoresDurability Loss

  等級需求降低 (2-30) Level Requirement Reduced by (2-30)

  每秒攻擊次數(shù) Attacks per Second

  +5% 生命竊取 +5% ofDamage Dealt Is Converted to Life

  近戰(zhàn)和遠程攻擊者每次擊中受到 (1525-2000) 點傷害 Ranged andmelee attackers take (1525-2000) damage per hit

  先祖召喚的效果會持續(xù)到他們死亡為止 Callof the Ancients last until they die.

  (34.0-39.0)% 機率引發(fā)流血,在 5 秒內(nèi)造成 (300-400)% 武器傷害 (16.0-21.0)%chance to inflict Bleed for (300-400)% weapon damage over 5 seconds.

  +(7-8) 圣怒上限 (只限圣教軍) +(7-8) MaximumWrath (Crusader Only)

  +(7-8) 怒氣上限 (只限野蠻人) +(7-8) MaximumFury (Barbarian Only)

  +(8-10) 戒律上限 (只限狩魔獵人) +(8-10) MaximumDiscipline (Demon Hunter Only)

  +(13-14) 精氣上限 (只限武僧) +(13-14)Maximum Spirit (Monk Only)

  +(7-9) 秘能上限 (只限秘術(shù)師) +(7-9) MaximumArcane Power (Wizard Only)

  +(120-150) 法力上限 (只限巫醫(yī)) +(120-150)Maximum Mana (Witch Doctor Only)

  消耗每點精氣可獲得 (126-148) 點生命值 (只限武僧) Gain(126-148) Life per Spirit Spent (Monk Only)

  每秒精氣凝聚提高 (2.17-3.00) 點(只限武僧) IncreasesSpirit Regeneration by (2.17-3.00) per Second (Monk Only)

  秘能恢復(fù)率每秒提高 2.00 點 IncreasesArcane Power Regeneration by 2.00 per Second

  爆擊時獲得 10 點秘能(只限秘術(shù)師) CriticalHits grant 10 Arcane Power (Wizard Only)

  每次擊殺時獲得 30 點法力 Grants 30 Manaper Kill

  法力恢復(fù)率每秒提高 (12.00-14.00) 點 (只限巫醫(yī)) Increases ManaRegeneration by 12-14 per Second (Witch Doctor Only)

  憎恨恢復(fù)率每秒提高 (1.35-1.50) 點(只限狩魔獵人) Increases Hatred Regeneration by(1.35-1.50) per Second (Demon Hunter Only)

  消耗每點圣怒可獲得 (276-327) 點生命值 (只限圣教軍) Gain (276-327) Life per Wrath Spent(Crusader Only)

  圣怒恢復(fù)率每秒提高 (1.85-2.00) 點(只限圣教軍)Increases Wrath Regeneration by (1.85-2.00)per Second (Crusader Only)

  消耗每點怒氣可獲得 289 點生命值 Gain 289 Lifeper Fury Spent

  怒氣累積提高 2 點 Increases FuryGeneration by 2

  +(141-160) 毒素抗性 +(141-160)Poison Resistance

  +(141-160) 冰寒抗性 +(141-160)Cold Resistance

  +(141-160) 神圣抗性 +(141-160)Holy Resistance

  +(141-160) 秘法抗性 +(141-160)Arcane Resistance

  +(141-160) 電擊抗性 +(141-160)Lightning Resistance

  +(141-160) 火焰抗性 +(141-160)Fire Resistance

  +(141-160) 物理抗性 +(141-160)Physical Resistance

  +(91-100) 全元素抗性 +(91-100)Resistance to All Elements

  火焰技能造成的傷害提高 (15-20)% Fire skills deal (15-20)% more damage.

  冰寒技能造成的傷害提高 (15-20)% Cold skills deal (15-20)% more damage.

  神圣技能造成的傷害提高 (15-20)% Holy skills deal (15-20)% more damage.

  電擊技能造成的傷害提高 (15-20)% Lightning skills deal (15-20)% more damage.

  毒素技能造成的傷害提高 (15-20)% Poison skills deal (15-20)% more damage.

  秘法技能造成的傷害提高 (15-20)% Arcane skills deal (15-20)% more damage.

  物理技能造成的傷害提高 (15-20)% Physical skills deal (15-20)% more damage.

  擊中有 (10.0-15.0)% 機率造成恐懼 (10.0-15.0)%Chance to Fear on Hit

  擊中有 (1.0-5.1)% 機率造成目盲 (1.0-5.1)%Chance to Blind on Hit

  擊中有 (10.0-20.0)% 機率造成定身 (10.0-20.0)%Chance to Immobilize on Hit

  擊中有 (1.0-5.1)% 機率造成昏迷 (1.0-5.1)%Chance to Stun on Hit

  擊中有 (1.0-2.6)% 機率造成冰冷 (1.0-2.6)%Chance to Chill on Hit

  擊中有 (1.0-2.6)% 機率造成凍結(jié) (1.0-2.6)%Chance to Freeze on Hit

  擊中有 (1.0-2.6)% 機率造成擊退 (1.0-2.6)%Chance to Knockback on Hit

  擊中有 (1.0-2.6)% 機率造成緩速 (1.0-2.6)%Chance to Slow on Hit


  毒液吹箭造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Poison Dart Damage by (10-15)%

  疫病蟾蜍造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Plague of Toads Damage by (10-15)%

  尸蛛造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Corpse Spiders Damage by (10-15)%

  火焰炸彈造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Firebomb Damage by(10-15)%

  獻祭造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% ncreases Sacrifice Damage by (10-15)%

  突尸沖撞造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Zombie Charger Damage by (10-15)%

  魂靈彈幕造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Spirit Barrage Damage by (10-15)%

  火蝙蝠造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Firebats Damage by (10-15)%

  強酸毒云造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Acid Cloud Damage by (10-15)%

  亡者之壁造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Wall of Zombies Damage by (10-15)%

  食人魚造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Piranhas Damage by (10-15)%

  巨尸造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Gargantuan Damage by (10-15)%

  鬼娃大軍造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Fetish Army Damage by (10-15)%

  亡者之握造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Grasp of the Dead Damage by (10-15)%

  召喚蟲群造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Locust Swarm Damage by (10-15)%

  召喚殭尸犬造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Summon Zombie DogsDamage by (10-15)%

  蝕魂造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Haunt Damage by (10-15)%


  幽光刃造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Spectral Blade Damage by (10-15)%

  電能脈沖造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Shock Pulse Damage by (10-15)%

  魔法飛彈造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Magic Missile Damage by (10-15)%

  電殛造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Electrocute Damage by (10-15)%

  秘法奔流造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Arcane Torrent Damage by (10-15)%

  冰霜射線造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Ray of Frost Damage by (10-15)%

  秘法光球造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Arcane Orb Damage by (10-15)%

  能量震波造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Wave of Force Damage by (10-15)%

  能量旋風(fēng)造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Energy Twister Damage by (10-15)%

  隕石術(shù)造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Meteor Damage by (10-15)%

  裂光波造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Disintegrate Damage by (10-15)%

  秘法黑洞造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Black Hole Damage by (10-15)%

  暴風(fēng)雪造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Blizzard Damage by (10-15)%

  守御之星造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Familiar Damage by (10-15)%

  聚能轟擊造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Explosive Blast Damage by (10-15)%

  多頭蛇造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Hydra Damage by (10-15)%


  回避射擊造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% ncreases Evasive Fire Damage by (10-15)%

  縛影彈造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Entangling Shot Damage by (10-15)%

  榴彈造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Grenade Damage by (10-15)%

  追噬箭造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Hungering Arrow Damage by (10-15)%

  縛錘彈造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Bolas Damage by (10-15)%

  元素箭造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Elemental Arrow Damage by (10-15)%

  掃射造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Strafe Damage by (10-15)%

  多重射擊造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Multishot Damage by (10-15)%

  刺穿造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Impale Damage by (10-15)%

  連射造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Rapid Fire Damage by (10-15)%

  戰(zhàn)輪造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Chakram Damage by (10-15)%

  集束箭造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Cluster Arrow Damage by (10-15)%

  復(fù)仇箭雨造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Rain of Vengeance Damage by (10-15)%

  衛(wèi)哨造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Sentry Damage by (10-15)%

  尖刺陷阱造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Spike Trap Damage by (10-15)%

  戰(zhàn)寵造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Companion Damage by (10-15)%

  飛舞刀刃造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Fan of Knives Damage by (10-15)%


  正義之錘造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Justice Damage by (10-15)%

  烈空斬造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Slash Damage by (10-15)%

  制裁造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Punish Damage by (10-15)%

  煉擊造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Smite Damage by (10-15)%

  盾猛擊造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Shield Bash Damage by (10-15)%

  祝福之錘造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Blessed Hammer Damage by (10-15)%

  圣光掃擊造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Sweep Attack Damage by (10-15)%

  天堂之拳造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Fist of the Heavens Damage by (10-15)%

  祝福之盾造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Blessed Shield Damage by (10-15)%

  圣軍之陣造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Phalanx Damage by (10-15)%

  天堂之怒造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Heaven's Fury Damage by (10-15)%

  天譴造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Condemn Damage by (10-15)%

  天罰之劍造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Falling Sword Damage by (10-15)%

  火炮轟炸造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Bombardment Damage by (10-15)%


  先祖之錘造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Hammer of the Ancients Damage by (10-15)%

  旋風(fēng)斬造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Whirlwind Damage by (10-15)%

  上古之矛造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Ancient Spear Damage by (10-15)%

  辟地猛擊造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Seismic Slam Damage by (10-15)%

  猛擊造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Bash Damage by (10-15)%

  擲刃斬造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Weapon Throw Damage by (10-15)%

  順劈斬造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Cleave Damage by (10-15)%

  狂亂造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Frenzy Damage by (10-15)%

  山崩地裂造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Avalanche Damage by (10-15)%

  撕裂造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Rend Damage by (10-15)%

  裂地之震造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Earthquake Damage by (10-15)%

  霸氣無雙造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Overpower Damage by (10-15)%

  復(fù)仇造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Revenge Damage by (10-15)%


  伏魔破造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Crippling Wave Damage by (10-15)%

  斷空波造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Deadly Reach Damage by (10-15)%

  奔雷拳造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Fists of Thunder Damage by (10-15)%

  百烈拳造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Way of the Hundred Fists Damage by (10-15)%

  勁風(fēng)煞造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Sweeping Wind Damage by (10-15)%

  七星閃造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Seven-Sided Strike Damage by (10-15)%

  瞬影打造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Dashing Strike Damage by (10-15)%

  天地元靈造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Mystic Ally Damage by (10-15)%

  颶風(fēng)轉(zhuǎn)造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Cyclone Strike Damage by (10-15)%

  云龍擺尾造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Lashing Tail Kick Damage by (10-15)%

  金鐘破造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Wave of Light Damage by (10-15)%

  掌造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Exploding Palm Damage by (10-15)%

  暴風(fēng)奔襲造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Tempest Rush Damage by (10-15)%



最新新聞 賽博朋克2077PS4能玩嗎 賽博朋克2077PS4和P原神靖世九柱怎么完成 隱藏任務(wù)靖世九柱完成動物森友會魚類價格表 集合啦動物森友會全魚動物森友會魚類圖鑒大全 集合啦動物森友會全動物森友會蟲子捕捉時間地點表 集合啦動物森動物森友會蟲子價格表 集合啦動物森友會全昆動物森友會蟲子圖鑒大全 集合啦動物森友會全動物森友會生物捕捉時間地點表 集合啦動物森動物森友會生物圖鑒大全 集合啦動物森友會全NS動物之森鐵礦石怎么獲得 NS集合啦動物森友

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最新推薦游戲 PS3亞爾斯蘭戰(zhàn)記X無雙
大。15.63G / 語言:簡體《亞爾斯蘭戰(zhàn)記X無雙》日版,本座是由光榮旗下無雙系列制作組Omega Force開發(fā)的動作游戲,改編自《銀河英雄傳說》小說家田中芳樹原著、自1986年連載至今的架空歷史小說《亞爾斯蘭戰(zhàn)記》,采用《鋼之鍊金術(shù)師》漫畫家荒川弘執(zhí)筆之同名漫畫改編電視動畫版設(shè)定為基礎(chǔ),融合架空歷史劇情與大規(guī)模戰(zhàn)場戰(zhàn)斗。
大。1.95G / 語言:英文Nordic Games宣布要為PC玩家?guī)鞵ainKiller新作《斬妖除魔:地獄詛咒(Painkiller:Hell & Damnation)》。該作由波蘭游戲工作室Gliwice/Katowice負責開發(fā),首次將該系列升級至虛幻3引擎。
大。957M / 語言:英文《猴子島的秘密2特別版》是Lucasfilm旗下的經(jīng)典解謎游戲《Monkey Island》系列的最新版,在新版中不僅僅是在畫面上重新進行了再次制作,連音樂、旁白都是全新的?梢哉f這是一款全新的《Monkey Island》也不為過。
大。460M / 語言:英文《山姆和麥克斯:拯救世界》是一系列逗趣得獎作品中的第一彈,這系列作品中每一季共有6集的內(nèi)容。在游戲中主角Sam以及他那活蹦亂跳的兔子伙伴Max這次遇到了棘手的謎題,他們身邊的人忽然全都受到了催眠。不但是童星們與熱門脫口秀的主持人個個精神不濟,就連美國總統(tǒng)都中了招!到底 Sam與Max能否在整個世界陷入昏迷之前找出整件陰謀的幕后元兇呢?
大。25.6M / 語言:英文卡坦島是一款比較不錯的思考策略游戲。游戲以大航海時代時航海家發(fā)現(xiàn)了一個資源豐富的島嶼為背景。該島嶼被喚作卡坦島?ㄌ箥u由平原、草原、森林、山丘及山脈組成。

精彩美圖 GTS1080P高清壁紙公布 快來舔屏吧!饑荒巨人的統(tǒng)治精美壁紙一覽黑暗之魂3壁紙及藝術(shù)概念圖欣賞飆酷車神狂野之旅無水印高清壁紙