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網(wǎng)站首頁 -> 主機頻道 -> 電玩攻略教程 -> 暗黑3終極邪惡版 中文技能屬性裝備翻譯
暗黑3終極邪惡版 中文技能屬性裝備翻譯作者:lj11574 來源:巴士論壇 2014/7/30 15:24:28 我要評論(0)
《暗黑破壞神3:終極邪惡版》將會提供完整一至五章冒險,從備受戰(zhàn)火摧殘的新崔斯特姆到混沌界要塞的遠古大廳,玩家可以選擇:野蠻人、狩魔獵人、武僧、巫醫(yī)、秘術(shù)師,以及全新的圣教軍,游戲支援PlayStation Network,讓玩家跟朋友在線上相會,進行游戲邀請,及使用語音交談。由于本次發(fā)售會是英文版,花時間整理了一些裝備中常用技能的翻譯,獻給那些對英文版無從下手的朋友!
Level(* * *) : 等級( 巔峰等級 ) | ||
Strength : 力量 | Dexterity : 敏捷 | Intelligence : 智力 |
Vitality : 體力 | Armor : 護甲值 | Damage : 傷害值 |
OFFENSE 攻擊 | |
Damage Increased by(Strength 、 Dexterity 、 Intelligence) | (力量、敏捷、智力) 傷害加成 |
Damage Increased by Skills | 技能傷害加成 |
Attacks per Second | 每秒攻擊次數(shù) |
Critical Hit Chance | 暴擊幾率 |
Critical Hit Damage | 暴擊傷害 |
DEFENSE 防御 | |
Block Amount | 格擋值 |
Block Chance | 格擋機率 |
Dodge Chance | 閃躲機率 |
Damage Reduction | 傷害減免 |
Physical Resistance | 物理 抗性 |
Cold Resistance | 冰寒 抗性 |
Fire Resistance | 火焰 抗性 |
Lightning Resistance | 電擊 抗性 |
Poison Resistance | 毒素 抗性 |
Arcane Resistance | 秘法 抗性 |
Holy Resistance | 神圣 抗性 |
Crowd Control Reduction | 控場減免 |
Missile Damage Reduction | 遠程傷害減免 |
Melee Damage Reduction | 近戰(zhàn)傷害減免 |
Thorns | 荊棘傷害 |
LIFE 生命 | |
Maximum Life | 生命值上限 |
Total Life Bonus | 總生命值加成 |
Life per Second | 每秒生命恢復(fù) |
Life per Kill | 擊殺生命恢復(fù) |
Life per Hit | 擊中生命恢復(fù) |
Health Globe Healing Bonus | 生命球效果加成 |
Bonus to Gold / Globe radius | (金幣與生命球) 拾取距離加成 |
Movement Speed | 移動速度 |
Gold Find | 金幣尋獲量 |
Magic Find | 魔寶尋獲率 |
Bonus Experience | 經(jīng)驗加成 |
Bonus Experience per Kill | 擊殺經(jīng)驗加成 |
+(416-500) 體能 +(416-500)Vitality
+(416-500) 力量 +(416-500)Strength
+(416-500) 敏捷 +(416-500)Dexterity
+(416-500) 智力 +(416-500)Intelligence
+(6-10)% 傷害 +(6-10)% Damage
+(60-80)-(120-160) 點傷害 +(60-80)-(120-160)Damage
+(10-15)% 生命值 +(10-15)%Life
+(373-397) 護甲值 +(373-397)Armor
+(10-12)% 移動速度 +(10-12)%Movement Speed
+16% 格擋機率 +16%Chance to Block
+(32-35)% 怪物金幣掉落量 +(32-35)%Extra Gold from Monsters
攻擊速度提高 (5.0-7.0)% Attack Speed Increased by (5.0-7.0)%
尋獲魔法物品機率提高 (25-50)% (25-50)% Better Chance of Finding Magical Items
對精英怪的傷害提高 (25-30)% Increases damage against elites by (25-30)%
精英怪所造成的傷害降低 (12.0-16.0)% Reduces damage from elites by (12.0-16.0)%
所有技能的冷卻時間縮短 (5.0-8.0)% Reduces cooldown of all skills by (5.0-8.0)%.
受到的近戰(zhàn)傷害降低 (6.0-7.0)% Reduces damage from melee attacks by (6.0-7.0)%
受到的遠程傷害降低 (6.0-7.0)% Reduces damage from ranged attacks by (6.0-7.0)%.
爆擊傷害提高 (26.0-50.0)% Critical Hit Damage Increased by (26.0-50.0)%
爆擊機率提高 (4.5-6.0)% Critical Hit Chance Increased by (4.5-6.0)%
每秒恢復(fù) (1864-2476) 點生命值 Regenerates(1864-2476) Life per Second
控場類有害效果的持續(xù)時間縮短 (20-40)% Reduces duration of control impairing effects by (20-40)%
生命之球與藥水恢復(fù)量 +(20001-29713) Health Globes and Potions Grant+(20001-29713) Life.
金幣與生命之球拾取距離延長 (10-20) 碼 Increases Goldand Health Pickup by (10-20) Yards.
殺死敵人時掉落生命之球的機率提高 (3-4)% Enemies you kill have a (3-4)% additional chance to drop a health globe.
擊中時有機會造成 (10-20)% 的范圍傷害 Chance to Deal(10-20)% Area Damage on Hit.
擊中生命恢復(fù) +(1551-1980) +(1551-1980) Life per Hit
擊殺生命恢復(fù) +(4252-5942) +(4252-5942) Life after Each Kill
擊殺怪物獲得的經(jīng)驗值 +(140-200) Monster kills grant +(140-200) experience.
使所有能量的消耗減少 (5-8)% Reduces all resource costs by (5-8)%.
鑲孔(1) Sockets (1)
無視耐久度的毀損 IgnoresDurability Loss
等級需求降低 (2-30) Level Requirement Reduced by (2-30)
每秒攻擊次數(shù) Attacks per Second
+5% 生命竊取 +5% ofDamage Dealt Is Converted to Life
近戰(zhàn)和遠程攻擊者每次擊中受到 (1525-2000) 點傷害 Ranged andmelee attackers take (1525-2000) damage per hit
先祖召喚的效果會持續(xù)到他們死亡為止 Callof the Ancients last until they die.
(34.0-39.0)% 機率引發(fā)流血,在 5 秒內(nèi)造成 (300-400)% 武器傷害 (16.0-21.0)%chance to inflict Bleed for (300-400)% weapon damage over 5 seconds.
+(7-8) 圣怒上限 (只限圣教軍) +(7-8) MaximumWrath (Crusader Only)
+(7-8) 怒氣上限 (只限野蠻人) +(7-8) MaximumFury (Barbarian Only)
+(8-10) 戒律上限 (只限狩魔獵人) +(8-10) MaximumDiscipline (Demon Hunter Only)
+(13-14) 精氣上限 (只限武僧) +(13-14)Maximum Spirit (Monk Only)
+(7-9) 秘能上限 (只限秘術(shù)師) +(7-9) MaximumArcane Power (Wizard Only)
+(120-150) 法力上限 (只限巫醫(yī)) +(120-150)Maximum Mana (Witch Doctor Only)
消耗每點精氣可獲得 (126-148) 點生命值 (只限武僧) Gain(126-148) Life per Spirit Spent (Monk Only)
每秒精氣凝聚提高 (2.17-3.00) 點(只限武僧) IncreasesSpirit Regeneration by (2.17-3.00) per Second (Monk Only)
秘能恢復(fù)率每秒提高 2.00 點 IncreasesArcane Power Regeneration by 2.00 per Second
爆擊時獲得 10 點秘能(只限秘術(shù)師) CriticalHits grant 10 Arcane Power (Wizard Only)
每次擊殺時獲得 30 點法力 Grants 30 Manaper Kill
法力恢復(fù)率每秒提高 (12.00-14.00) 點 (只限巫醫(yī)) Increases ManaRegeneration by 12-14 per Second (Witch Doctor Only)
憎恨恢復(fù)率每秒提高 (1.35-1.50) 點(只限狩魔獵人) Increases Hatred Regeneration by(1.35-1.50) per Second (Demon Hunter Only)
消耗每點圣怒可獲得 (276-327) 點生命值 (只限圣教軍) Gain (276-327) Life per Wrath Spent(Crusader Only)
圣怒恢復(fù)率每秒提高 (1.85-2.00) 點(只限圣教軍)Increases Wrath Regeneration by (1.85-2.00)per Second (Crusader Only)
消耗每點怒氣可獲得 289 點生命值 Gain 289 Lifeper Fury Spent
怒氣累積提高 2 點 Increases FuryGeneration by 2
+(141-160) 毒素抗性 +(141-160)Poison Resistance
+(141-160) 冰寒抗性 +(141-160)Cold Resistance
+(141-160) 神圣抗性 +(141-160)Holy Resistance
+(141-160) 秘法抗性 +(141-160)Arcane Resistance
+(141-160) 電擊抗性 +(141-160)Lightning Resistance
+(141-160) 火焰抗性 +(141-160)Fire Resistance
+(141-160) 物理抗性 +(141-160)Physical Resistance
+(91-100) 全元素抗性 +(91-100)Resistance to All Elements
火焰技能造成的傷害提高 (15-20)% Fire skills deal (15-20)% more damage.
冰寒技能造成的傷害提高 (15-20)% Cold skills deal (15-20)% more damage.
神圣技能造成的傷害提高 (15-20)% Holy skills deal (15-20)% more damage.
電擊技能造成的傷害提高 (15-20)% Lightning skills deal (15-20)% more damage.
毒素技能造成的傷害提高 (15-20)% Poison skills deal (15-20)% more damage.
秘法技能造成的傷害提高 (15-20)% Arcane skills deal (15-20)% more damage.
物理技能造成的傷害提高 (15-20)% Physical skills deal (15-20)% more damage.
擊中有 (10.0-15.0)% 機率造成恐懼 (10.0-15.0)%Chance to Fear on Hit
擊中有 (1.0-5.1)% 機率造成目盲 (1.0-5.1)%Chance to Blind on Hit
擊中有 (10.0-20.0)% 機率造成定身 (10.0-20.0)%Chance to Immobilize on Hit
擊中有 (1.0-5.1)% 機率造成昏迷 (1.0-5.1)%Chance to Stun on Hit
擊中有 (1.0-2.6)% 機率造成冰冷 (1.0-2.6)%Chance to Chill on Hit
擊中有 (1.0-2.6)% 機率造成凍結(jié) (1.0-2.6)%Chance to Freeze on Hit
擊中有 (1.0-2.6)% 機率造成擊退 (1.0-2.6)%Chance to Knockback on Hit
擊中有 (1.0-2.6)% 機率造成緩速 (1.0-2.6)%Chance to Slow on Hit
毒液吹箭造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Poison Dart Damage by (10-15)%
疫病蟾蜍造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Plague of Toads Damage by (10-15)%
尸蛛造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Corpse Spiders Damage by (10-15)%
火焰炸彈造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Firebomb Damage by(10-15)%
獻祭造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% ncreases Sacrifice Damage by (10-15)%
突尸沖撞造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Zombie Charger Damage by (10-15)%
魂靈彈幕造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Spirit Barrage Damage by (10-15)%
火蝙蝠造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Firebats Damage by (10-15)%
強酸毒云造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Acid Cloud Damage by (10-15)%
亡者之壁造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Wall of Zombies Damage by (10-15)%
食人魚造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Piranhas Damage by (10-15)%
巨尸造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Gargantuan Damage by (10-15)%
鬼娃大軍造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Fetish Army Damage by (10-15)%
亡者之握造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Grasp of the Dead Damage by (10-15)%
召喚蟲群造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Locust Swarm Damage by (10-15)%
召喚殭尸犬造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Summon Zombie DogsDamage by (10-15)%
蝕魂造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Haunt Damage by (10-15)%
幽光刃造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Spectral Blade Damage by (10-15)%
電能脈沖造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Shock Pulse Damage by (10-15)%
魔法飛彈造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Magic Missile Damage by (10-15)%
電殛造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Electrocute Damage by (10-15)%
秘法奔流造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Arcane Torrent Damage by (10-15)%
冰霜射線造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Ray of Frost Damage by (10-15)%
秘法光球造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Arcane Orb Damage by (10-15)%
能量震波造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Wave of Force Damage by (10-15)%
能量旋風(fēng)造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Energy Twister Damage by (10-15)%
隕石術(shù)造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Meteor Damage by (10-15)%
裂光波造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Disintegrate Damage by (10-15)%
秘法黑洞造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Black Hole Damage by (10-15)%
暴風(fēng)雪造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Blizzard Damage by (10-15)%
守御之星造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Familiar Damage by (10-15)%
聚能轟擊造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Explosive Blast Damage by (10-15)%
多頭蛇造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Hydra Damage by (10-15)%
回避射擊造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% ncreases Evasive Fire Damage by (10-15)%
縛影彈造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Entangling Shot Damage by (10-15)%
榴彈造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Grenade Damage by (10-15)%
追噬箭造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Hungering Arrow Damage by (10-15)%
縛錘彈造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Bolas Damage by (10-15)%
元素箭造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Elemental Arrow Damage by (10-15)%
掃射造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Strafe Damage by (10-15)%
多重射擊造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Multishot Damage by (10-15)%
刺穿造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Impale Damage by (10-15)%
連射造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Rapid Fire Damage by (10-15)%
戰(zhàn)輪造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Chakram Damage by (10-15)%
集束箭造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Cluster Arrow Damage by (10-15)%
復(fù)仇箭雨造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Rain of Vengeance Damage by (10-15)%
衛(wèi)哨造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Sentry Damage by (10-15)%
尖刺陷阱造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Spike Trap Damage by (10-15)%
戰(zhàn)寵造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Companion Damage by (10-15)%
飛舞刀刃造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Fan of Knives Damage by (10-15)%
正義之錘造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Justice Damage by (10-15)%
烈空斬造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Slash Damage by (10-15)%
制裁造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Punish Damage by (10-15)%
煉擊造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Smite Damage by (10-15)%
盾猛擊造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Shield Bash Damage by (10-15)%
祝福之錘造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Blessed Hammer Damage by (10-15)%
圣光掃擊造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Sweep Attack Damage by (10-15)%
天堂之拳造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Fist of the Heavens Damage by (10-15)%
祝福之盾造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Blessed Shield Damage by (10-15)%
圣軍之陣造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Phalanx Damage by (10-15)%
天堂之怒造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Heaven's Fury Damage by (10-15)%
天譴造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Condemn Damage by (10-15)%
天罰之劍造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Falling Sword Damage by (10-15)%
火炮轟炸造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Bombardment Damage by (10-15)%
先祖之錘造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Hammer of the Ancients Damage by (10-15)%
旋風(fēng)斬造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Whirlwind Damage by (10-15)%
上古之矛造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Ancient Spear Damage by (10-15)%
辟地猛擊造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Seismic Slam Damage by (10-15)%
猛擊造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Bash Damage by (10-15)%
擲刃斬造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Weapon Throw Damage by (10-15)%
順劈斬造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Cleave Damage by (10-15)%
狂亂造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Frenzy Damage by (10-15)%
山崩地裂造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Avalanche Damage by (10-15)%
撕裂造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Rend Damage by (10-15)%
裂地之震造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Earthquake Damage by (10-15)%
霸氣無雙造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Overpower Damage by (10-15)%
復(fù)仇造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Revenge Damage by (10-15)%
伏魔破造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Crippling Wave Damage by (10-15)%
斷空波造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Deadly Reach Damage by (10-15)%
奔雷拳造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Fists of Thunder Damage by (10-15)%
百烈拳造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Way of the Hundred Fists Damage by (10-15)%
勁風(fēng)煞造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Sweeping Wind Damage by (10-15)%
七星閃造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Seven-Sided Strike Damage by (10-15)%
瞬影打造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Dashing Strike Damage by (10-15)%
天地元靈造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Mystic Ally Damage by (10-15)%
颶風(fēng)轉(zhuǎn)造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Cyclone Strike Damage by (10-15)%
云龍擺尾造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Lashing Tail Kick Damage by (10-15)%
金鐘破造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Wave of Light Damage by (10-15)%
掌造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Exploding Palm Damage by (10-15)%
暴風(fēng)奔襲造成的傷害提高 (10-15)% Increases Tempest Rush Damage by (10-15)%
最新新聞 賽博朋克2077PS4能玩嗎 賽博朋克2077PS4和P原神靖世九柱怎么完成 隱藏任務(wù)靖世九柱完成動物森友會魚類價格表 集合啦動物森友會全魚動物森友會魚類圖鑒大全 集合啦動物森友會全動物森友會蟲子捕捉時間地點表 集合啦動物森動物森友會蟲子價格表 集合啦動物森友會全昆動物森友會蟲子圖鑒大全 集合啦動物森友會全動物森友會生物捕捉時間地點表 集合啦動物森動物森友會生物圖鑒大全 集合啦動物森友會全NS動物之森鐵礦石怎么獲得 NS集合啦動物森友
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大。15.63G / 語言:簡體《亞爾斯蘭戰(zhàn)記X無雙》日版,本座是由光榮旗下無雙系列制作組Omega Force開發(fā)的動作游戲,改編自《銀河英雄傳說》小說家田中芳樹原著、自1986年連載至今的架空歷史小說《亞爾斯蘭戰(zhàn)記》,采用《鋼之鍊金術(shù)師》漫畫家荒川弘執(zhí)筆之同名漫畫改編電視動畫版設(shè)定為基礎(chǔ),融合架空歷史劇情與大規(guī)模戰(zhàn)場戰(zhàn)斗。XBOX360斬妖除魔地獄詛咒
大。1.95G / 語言:英文Nordic Games宣布要為PC玩家?guī)鞵ainKiller新作《斬妖除魔:地獄詛咒(Painkiller:Hell & Damnation)》。該作由波蘭游戲工作室Gliwice/Katowice負責開發(fā),首次將該系列升級至虛幻3引擎。XBOX360猴子島的秘密2特別版
大。957M / 語言:英文《猴子島的秘密2特別版》是Lucasfilm旗下的經(jīng)典解謎游戲《Monkey Island》系列的最新版,在新版中不僅僅是在畫面上重新進行了再次制作,連音樂、旁白都是全新的?梢哉f這是一款全新的《Monkey Island》也不為過。XBOX360山姆和麥克斯拯救世界
大。460M / 語言:英文《山姆和麥克斯:拯救世界》是一系列逗趣得獎作品中的第一彈,這系列作品中每一季共有6集的內(nèi)容。在游戲中主角Sam以及他那活蹦亂跳的兔子伙伴Max這次遇到了棘手的謎題,他們身邊的人忽然全都受到了催眠。不但是童星們與熱門脫口秀的主持人個個精神不濟,就連美國總統(tǒng)都中了招!到底 Sam與Max能否在整個世界陷入昏迷之前找出整件陰謀的幕后元兇呢?XBOX360卡坦島
大。25.6M / 語言:英文卡坦島是一款比較不錯的思考策略游戲。游戲以大航海時代時航海家發(fā)現(xiàn)了一個資源豐富的島嶼為背景。該島嶼被喚作卡坦島?ㄌ箥u由平原、草原、森林、山丘及山脈組成。
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