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網(wǎng)站首頁 -> 主機(jī)頻道 -> 電玩資訊 -> 惡靈附身|The Evil Within獎(jiǎng)杯列表已遭泄露
惡靈附身|The Evil Within獎(jiǎng)杯列表已遭泄露作者:佚名 來源:本站整理 2014/8/22 14:55:59 我要評(píng)論(0)
近日《惡靈附身|The Evil Within》的英文版獎(jiǎng)杯、成就列表已遭到泄露,其中含有少量劇透,各位玩家自行斟酌選擇觀看。
What’s In The Box?!
Escape the Keeper beneath the catacombs
Old Flame
Finish off a shrieking beast
Weapon of Choice
Defeat the Sadist within the village
Two on Two
Take out both guardians before the church
The First, Not the Last
End a monstrosity in the underground garage
Outrun a gigantic threat in the city
Slither into Oblivion
Remove an invisible enemy from the equation.
One of the Many
Defeat the ultimate evil within
First Step into Darkness
Complete the game on Casual difficulty
Another Day on the Job
Complete the game on Survival difficulty
Master of Horror
Complete the game on Nightmare difficulty
Every Nook and Cranny
Collect every collectable in the game.
Master of Unlocking
Open up all the lockers in the save room
Fully upgrade all of Sebastian’s attributes.
My Best Friend
Completely upgrade one weapon.
The Power of Three
Completely upgrade three weapons.
Unstoppable Arsenal
Completely upgrade all weapons.
Why Can’t I Hold All This Ammo?
Upgrade all options in the Stock menu
Blow Up the Playing Field
Use a secret explosive weapon to kill 10 enemies. (Agony Bolt effectsnegate results)
Full House
Kill 5 enemies with each type of Agony Bolt
Silent Kill
Kill 5 enemies in a row with a sneak kill without being discovered.
Burn, Baby, Burn!
Kill 5 enemies with a torch.
...And the Corpses Mount
Kill 30 enemies.
Krimson PD Fury
Kill 200 enemies.
One Man Army
Kill 400 enemies.
Ammo Conservationist
Kill 25 enemies with melee attacks.
Bloody Bar Brawl
Sneak Kill an enemy after hitting them with a bottle.
Drop It Like It’s Hot
Kill 3 living enemies with one drop of a match.
The Quick and the Dead
Finish the game with a clear time of under 5:00:00.
It Is What It Is
Finish the game without upgrading any skills with green gel.
You Asked For It
Finish the game on悪夢(mèng)(AKUMU) mode.
À la Corvo
Have they lost their minds? Better get past them without a fight.(Ch.2)
Knife Beats Chainsaw
His engine roars, but my knife is strong enough to take him out. (Ch.3)
Home is Where the Hospice is
That vision in the hospice... why here? Why now? (Ch. 4)
Not Part of the Job Description
The water’s rising, but we’ll get out of this without a scratch. (Ch. 5)
Everybody Gets One
Who wouldn’t reach out for a man clinging for his life? (Ch. 6)
I Don’t Have Time for This!
It won’t stay dead! Better only fight when I have to. (Ch. 7)
Item Management
This cave echoes like crazy. Better put the gun away and keep quiet.(Ch. 8)
Bathed in Flames
Enough running! I’ll burn her to the ground right here! (Ch. 10)
Not a Scratch on Her!
I’m not taking any chances, this bus can’t take much more damage.(Ch. 12)
Entry Level Electrician
I should get this whole generator panel running just in case. (Ch. 14)
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大小:15.63G / 語言:簡體《亞爾斯蘭戰(zhàn)記X無雙》日版,本座是由光榮旗下無雙系列制作組Omega Force開發(fā)的動(dòng)作游戲,改編自《銀河英雄傳說》小說家田中芳樹原著、自1986年連載至今的架空歷史小說《亞爾斯蘭戰(zhàn)記》,采用《鋼之鍊金術(shù)師》漫畫家荒川弘執(zhí)筆之同名漫畫改編電視動(dòng)畫版設(shè)定為基礎(chǔ),融合架空歷史劇情與大規(guī)模戰(zhàn)場戰(zhàn)斗。XBOX360斬妖除魔地獄詛咒
大。1.95G / 語言:英文Nordic Games宣布要為PC玩家?guī)鞵ainKiller新作《斬妖除魔:地獄詛咒(Painkiller:Hell & Damnation)》。該作由波蘭游戲工作室Gliwice/Katowice負(fù)責(zé)開發(fā),首次將該系列升級(jí)至虛幻3引擎。XBOX360猴子島的秘密2特別版
大。957M / 語言:英文《猴子島的秘密2特別版》是Lucasfilm旗下的經(jīng)典解謎游戲《Monkey Island》系列的最新版,在新版中不僅僅是在畫面上重新進(jìn)行了再次制作,連音樂、旁白都是全新的?梢哉f這是一款全新的《Monkey Island》也不為過。XBOX360山姆和麥克斯拯救世界
大。460M / 語言:英文《山姆和麥克斯:拯救世界》是一系列逗趣得獎(jiǎng)作品中的第一彈,這系列作品中每一季共有6集的內(nèi)容。在游戲中主角Sam以及他那活蹦亂跳的兔子伙伴Max這次遇到了棘手的謎題,他們身邊的人忽然全都受到了催眠。不但是童星們與熱門脫口秀的主持人個(gè)個(gè)精神不濟(jì),就連美國總統(tǒng)都中了招!到底 Sam與Max能否在整個(gè)世界陷入昏迷之前找出整件陰謀的幕后元兇呢?XBOX360卡坦島
大小:25.6M / 語言:英文卡坦島是一款比較不錯(cuò)的思考策略游戲。游戲以大航海時(shí)代時(shí)航海家發(fā)現(xiàn)了一個(gè)資源豐富的島嶼為背景。該島嶼被喚作卡坦島。卡坦島由平原、草原、森林、山丘及山脈組成。
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