
當(dāng)前位置:首頁攻略秘籍單機(jī)攻略 → FIFA11球員成就翻譯一覽


作者:佚名來源:本站整理 發(fā)表時(shí)間:2011/1/14 10:22:12 評論(0)

總共有 400 項(xiàng)成就

FIFA 11 Virtual Pro Accomplishments

FIFA 11 虛擬球員成就

The Arena (30)




1. Finish with some finesse - score a goal using the finesse shot inside the penalty box - Finishing +1

1. 巧射得分- 在禁區(qū)里以巧射( RB+B)得分- 終結(jié)+1

2. Bury it with the laces - score a goal using the laces shot inside the penalty box - Shot Power +1

2. 腳背射門- 在禁區(qū)里以正腳背射門(B)得分- 射門力道+1

3. Tuck home a penalty - keep your composure to score from a penalty kick - Penalties +1

3. 12碼罰球- 沉著的在12碼中射門得分- 12碼罰球+1

4. Juggle the ball 5 times - juggle the ball while standing - 2 Star Skill Moves

4. 挑球5次- 在站立時(shí)完成5次挑球(站立時(shí)LT+RB 后RBx5) - 開啟2星技巧

5. Drill one in from outside the box - score with a laces shot from outside the penalty box - Long Shots +1

5. 禁區(qū)外暴射- 在禁區(qū)外以正腳背射門得分- 長射+1

6. Score with my weaker foot - score with your weak foot from any distance - Balance +1

6. 以非慣用腳得分- 在任何距離以非慣用腳射門得分- 平衡+1

7. Curl one in from 18 yards - score a finesse shot from outside the penalty box - Curve +1

7. 18碼外旋進(jìn)- 以巧射在禁區(qū)外射門得分- 曲度+1

8. Try 3 of the skill moves - perform at least three of the nine 2-star skill moves - 3 Star Skill Moves

8. 試出3個(gè)技巧- 使出至少9種2星技巧里的3種-開啟3星技巧

9. Catch the ball (goalie) - catch the ball while playing as the goalkeeper - GK Handling +1

9. 接球(守門員) - 當(dāng)守門員時(shí)接到球- 守門員接球+1

10. Make a diving save (goalie) - make a diving save while playing as the goalkeeper - GK Diving +1

10. 飛身撲救(守門員) - 當(dāng)守門員時(shí)以飛身撲救(RS)接到球- 守門員飛撲+1



11. Bend in a free kick - shoot and score with a standard free kick from any distance - FK Accuracy +1

11. 旋進(jìn)一顆自由球- 在任何距離射進(jìn)一個(gè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)自由球- 自由球準(zhǔn)度+1

12. Practice 6 skill moves - perform at least six of the nine 2-star skill moves - Ball Control +1

12. 練習(xí)6種技巧- 使出至少9種2星技巧里的6種- 控球+1

13. Score back off the post - score a goal directly following a rebound off the post - Reactions +1

13. 反彈球得分- 將中柱彈出的反彈球射進(jìn)球門得分- 反應(yīng)+1

14. Check out the fake shot - perform the fake shot when inside the penalty box - Agility +1

14. 假射- 在禁區(qū)內(nèi)使出假射- 敏捷+1

15. Test out two 3-star skills - perform at least two of the six 3-star skill moves - 4 Star Skill Moves

15. 試出兩個(gè)3星技巧- 使出至少6種3星技巧里的2種- 開啟4星技巧

16. Chip the keeper from out the box - score with a chip shot from outside the penalty box - Vision +1

16. 禁區(qū)外挑射- 在禁區(qū)外挑射過守門員得分- 視野+1

17. Score a volley in the area - score with a volley from inside the penalty box - Volleys +1

17. 凌空射門(*1) - 在禁區(qū)內(nèi)將在空中的球射入球門得分- 凌空射門+1

18. Dribble around a player - dribble past an opposition player or the goalkeeper - Balance +1

18. 盤球過人- 盤球過敵方球員或守門員- 平衡+1

19. Save a one-on-one (goalie) - make a 1-on-1 save while playing as the goalkeeper - GK Diving +1

19. 守下一對一(守門員) - 當(dāng)守門員時(shí)守下一對一-守門員飛撲+1

20. Keep out a penalty (goalie) - save a penalty while playing as the goalkeeper - GK Reflexes +1

20. 擋下12碼(守門員) - 當(dāng)守門員時(shí)擋下12碼罰球- 守門員反應(yīng)(*2) +1



21. Score from 32 yards or further - score any type of goal from 32 yards out or further - Long Shots +1

21. 在32碼或更遠(yuǎn)之外得分- 在32碼或更遠(yuǎn)的位置以任何方式得分- 遠(yuǎn)射+1

22. Try four 3-star skill moves - perform at least four of the six 3-star skill moves - Stamina +1

22. 試出4個(gè)3星技巧- 使出至少6種3星技巧里的4種- 體力(*3) +1

23. 5 free kicks scored - score at least 5 goals from free kicks with your Virtual Pro - FK Accuracy +1

24. 射進(jìn)5顆自由球- 以虛擬球員射進(jìn)5顆自由球- 自由球準(zhǔn)度+1

24. Beat a player with skill - dribble past an opposition player or goalkeeper using any skill move - Agility +1

25. 技巧過人- 以任何技巧過一名敵方球員或守門員- 敏捷+ 1

25. Weak foot from range - score with your weaker foot from outside the penalty box - Weak Foot Ability +1

25. 非慣用腳遠(yuǎn)射- 在禁區(qū)外以非慣用腳射門得分- 非慣用腳能力+1

26. Tuck in 10 penalties - score at least 10 goals when practicing your penalty kicks - Penalties +3

26. 射進(jìn)10個(gè)12碼- 練習(xí)12碼時(shí)射進(jìn)至少10顆進(jìn)球- 12碼罰球+3

27. Practice five 4-star skills - perform at least five of the various 4-star skill moves - 5 Star Skill Moves

27. 練習(xí)5種4星技巧- 使出至少5種4星技巧- 開啟4星技巧

28. Score a volley from distance - score with a volley from outside the penalty box - Volleys +2

28. 遠(yuǎn)距離凌空射門(*1) - 在禁區(qū)外以凌空射門得分

29. Make a double save (goalie) - make a double save while playing as the goalkeeper - GK Reflexes +1

29. 連續(xù)兩次救球(守門員) - 當(dāng)守門員使連續(xù)救下兩球-守門員反應(yīng)(*2) +1

30. Save 5 penalties (goalie) - save 5 penalties while playing as the goalkeeper - GK Positioning +1

30. 擋下5次12碼- 當(dāng)守門員時(shí)擋下5次12碼罰球-守門員站位+1


*1: 凌空射門- 指的是球在空中時(shí)的射門, 并不一定需要球員雙腳也在空中不著地.

*2: 守門員反應(yīng)- Reflexes 是反射, 但個(gè)人覺得翻成反應(yīng)比較好理解.

*3:體力- Stamina 通常翻成 耐力, 但個(gè)人覺得翻成體力比較好理解.


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