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3 頁 神秘海域3獎杯列表

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Remastered

Uncharted 3

Platinum trophy

Earn all Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Remastered Trophies

Charted! – Easy trophy

Finish the Game on Easy Without Changing the Difficulty

Charted! – Normal trophy

Finish the Game on Normal Without Changing the Difficulty

Charted! – Hard trophy

Finish the Game on Hard Without Changing the Difficulty

Charted! – Crushing trophy

Finish the Game on Crushing Without Changing the Difficulty

First Treasure trophy

Find 1 Treasure

Apprentice Fortune Hunter trophy

Find 20 Treasures

Skilled Fortune Hunter trophy

Find 40 Treasures

Adept Fortune Hunter trophy

Find 60 Treasures

Expert Fortune Hunter trophy

Find 80 Treasures

Master Fortune Hunter trophy

Find 100 Treasures

Relic Finder trophy

Find the Strange Relic

Master Thief Collection trophy

Find all Treasures and the Strange Relic

20 Headshots trophy

Kill 20 Enemies with Headshots

100 Headshots trophy

Kill 100 Enemies with Headshots

Headshot Expert trophy

Kill 5 Enemies in a Row with Headshots

Bare-knuckle Brawler trophy

Defeat 20 Enemies with Hand-to-Hand Combat

Bare-knucle Slugger trophy

Defeat 50 Enemies with Hand-to-Hand Combat

Dyno-Might Master trophy

Kill 5 Enemies with 1 Explosion

Hangman trophy

Kill 20 Enemies with Gunfire While Hanging

Grenade Hangman trophy

Kill 10 Enemies with Grenades While Hanging

Run-and-Gunner trophy

Kill 20 Enemies by Shooting from the Hip (without aiming)

Combat Leapfrog trophy

Kill 10 Enemies in a Row, Alternating Hand-to-Hand Combat and Gunfire

Master Ninja trophy

Kill 50 Enemies by Melee-Attacking from Behind

Survivor trophy

Kill 75 Enemies in a Row Without Dying

Side Arm Master trophy

Defeat 30 Enemies in a Row with Your Side Arm

Reload Master trophy

Defeat 50 Enemies in a Row Without Auto-Reloading

Blindfire Marksman trophy

Defeat 20 Enemies by Blind-Firing While in Cover (without aiming)

Throwback trophy

Defeat 10 Enemies with Thrown-Back Grenades

Throwback Master trophy

Throw Back a Grenade and Defeat 2 Enemies at Once

He's gonna Need a Sturgeon trophy

Hit 3 Enemies with Fish in the Market

Riot Rocker trophy

Kill 5 Riot Shield Enemies by Running Over Their Shield

Land Shark trophy

Defeat 20 Enemies While Swimming

Brute Beater trophy

Succesfully Counter all of a Brute's Damage-Giving Attacks

Marco Solo trophy

Play in the Swimming Pool on the Cruise Ship

30 Kills: Mk-NDI trophy

Kill 30 Enemies with Mk-NDI Grenades

30 Kills: Dragon Sniper trophy

Kill 30 Enemies with the Dragon Sniper

30 Kills: M9 trophy

Kill 30 Enemies with the M9

30 Kills: RPG-7 trophy

Kill 30 Enemies with the RPG-7

30 Kills: SAS-12 trophy

Kill 30 Enemies with the SAS-12

30 Kills: Arm Micro trophy

Kill 30 Enemies with the Arm Micro

30 Kills: G-MAL trophy

Kill 30 Enemies with the G-MAL

30 Kills: KAL-7 trophy

Kill 30 Enemies with the KAL-7

30 Kills: Mag 5 trophy

Kill 30 Enemies with the Mag 5

30 Kills: PAK-80 trophy

Kill 30 Enemies with the PAK-80

30 Kills: T-Bolt Sniper trophy

Kill 30 Enemies with the T-Bolt Sniper

30 Kills: Tau Sniper trophy

Kill 30 Enemies with the Tau Sniper

Photobomb trophy

Explore Photo Mode

Outrun the Flames trophy

Beat 』Chapter 7- Stay in the Light' in less than 9 minutes 30 seconds

Catch that Plane! trophy

Beat 』Chapter 16 – One Shot at This' in less than 12 minutes

My Horse is Faster trophy

Beat 』Chapter 20 – Caravan' in less than 15 minutes

DLC Trophies (not needed for platinum)

*The DLC is already pre-installed on the disc, you don't need to buy it separately.

Charted! – Brutal trophy

Finish the Game on Brutal Without Changing the Difficulty

Supernatural Born Killers trophy

Defeat 5 Djinn With a Sniper Rifle

Cosplay trophy

Kill and Enemy While Playing as an Alternate Character Costume Other Than Drake

YOLO Deceptively trophy

Beat the Last Chapter Without Dying on Normal Difficulty or Harder

The Fat and the Furious Yemen Drifter trophy

Complete a Continuous Speed Run as Doughnut Drake

Leader of the Pack trophy

Compare statistics with Friends

Neediest for Speediest trophy

Achieve a Complete Speed Run Time of Less than 4 Hours 15 Minutes

Cheaters Gonna Cheat trophy

Activate a Tweak



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最新推薦游戲 PS3亞爾斯蘭戰(zhàn)記X無雙
大。15.63G / 語言:簡體《亞爾斯蘭戰(zhàn)記X無雙》日版,本座是由光榮旗下無雙系列制作組Omega Force開發(fā)的動作游戲,改編自《銀河英雄傳說》小說家田中芳樹原著、自1986年連載至今的架空歷史小說《亞爾斯蘭戰(zhàn)記》,采用《鋼之鍊金術(shù)師》漫畫家荒川弘執(zhí)筆之同名漫畫改編電視動畫版設(shè)定為基礎(chǔ),融合架空歷史劇情與大規(guī)模戰(zhàn)場戰(zhàn)斗。
大小:1.95G / 語言:英文Nordic Games宣布要為PC玩家?guī)鞵ainKiller新作《斬妖除魔:地獄詛咒(Painkiller:Hell & Damnation)》。該作由波蘭游戲工作室Gliwice/Katowice負(fù)責(zé)開發(fā),首次將該系列升級至虛幻3引擎。
大小:957M / 語言:英文《猴子島的秘密2特別版》是Lucasfilm旗下的經(jīng)典解謎游戲《Monkey Island》系列的最新版,在新版中不僅僅是在畫面上重新進行了再次制作,連音樂、旁白都是全新的?梢哉f這是一款全新的《Monkey Island》也不為過。
大小:460M / 語言:英文《山姆和麥克斯:拯救世界》是一系列逗趣得獎作品中的第一彈,這系列作品中每一季共有6集的內(nèi)容。在游戲中主角Sam以及他那活蹦亂跳的兔子伙伴Max這次遇到了棘手的謎題,他們身邊的人忽然全都受到了催眠。不但是童星們與熱門脫口秀的主持人個個精神不濟,就連美國總統(tǒng)都中了招!到底 Sam與Max能否在整個世界陷入昏迷之前找出整件陰謀的幕后元兇呢?
大。25.6M / 語言:英文卡坦島是一款比較不錯的思考策略游戲。游戲以大航海時代時航海家發(fā)現(xiàn)了一個資源豐富的島嶼為背景。該島嶼被喚作卡坦島?ㄌ箥u由平原、草原、森林、山丘及山脈組成。

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