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網(wǎng)站首頁 -> 主機頻道 -> 電玩攻略教程 -> PSV世界汽車拉力錦標賽5獎杯列表
PSV世界汽車拉力錦標賽5獎杯列表作者:佚名 來源:本站整理 2015/10/23 14:45:01 我要評論(0)
獎杯構成:白1 金5 銀7 銅21 總34 點數(shù)1155
#1WRC 2015 Earn every trophy in the game. | 5.30%珍貴度 | |
#2"Persona" Create a customised driver. | 82.30%珍貴度 | |
#3Winner! Win a Special Stage in any game mode. | 82.70%珍貴度 | |
#4Well done! Win a Special Stage in Quick Stage mode. | 61.00%珍貴度 | |
#5"Around the World" Finish at least one Special Stage in each rally in Quick Stage mode. | 14.70%珍貴度 | |
#6Explorer Finish all the Special Stages in the game in Quick Stage mode. | 9.00%珍貴度 | |
#7Sign here Sign your first contract in Career mode. | 82.30%珍貴度 | |
#8Things are getting serious Sign a contract with Volkswagen, Citroën, Hyundai or M-Sport. | 14.30%珍貴度 | |
#9Podium Finish in the top three in a Special Stage in Career mode. | 69.20%珍貴度 | |
#10Looks good on your C.V. Win a Special Stage in Career mode. | 68.40%珍貴度 | |
#11Rally driver Win a Special Stage in Simulation setting in any game mode. | 20.00%珍貴度 | |
#12Monte Carlo! Win the Rallye Monte Carlo in Career mode. | 45.90%珍貴度 | |
#13Sweden! Win the Rally Sweden in Career mode. | 15.10%珍貴度 | |
#14Mexico! Win the Rally Guanajuato México in Career mode. | 17.60%珍貴度 | |
#15Argentina! Win the Xion Rally Argentina in Career mode. | 11.40%珍貴度 | |
#16Portugal! Win the Vodafone Rally de Portugal in Career mode. | 45.90%珍貴度 | |
#17Sardinia! Win the Rally Italia Sardegna in Career mode. | 15.50%珍貴度 | |
#18Poland! Win the LOTOS 72nd Rally Poland in Career mode. | 43.80%珍貴度 | |
#19Finland! Win the Neste Oil Rally Finland in Career mode. | 36.40%珍貴度 | |
#20Germany! Win the ADAC Rallye Deutschland in Career mode. | 9.40%珍貴度 | |
#21Australia! Win the Coates Hire Rally Australia in Career mode. | 9.40%珍貴度 | |
#22Corsica! Win the Rallye de France - Tour de Corse in Career mode. | 17.20%珍貴度 | |
#23Spain! Win the RallyRACC Catalunya-COSTA DAURADA in Career mode. | 32.70%珍貴度 | |
#24Wales! Win the Wales Rally GB in Career mode. | 27.80%珍貴度 | |
#25First step Finish a Junior season in first place in Career mode. | 28.60%珍貴度 | |
#26Second step... Finish a WRC-2 season in first place in Career mode. | 12.70%珍貴度 | |
#27World Champion! Finish a WRC season in first place in Career mode. | 6.50%珍貴度 | |
#28Mechanic Repair your car for the first time. | 70.00%珍貴度 | |
#29"Ready at Dawn" Exceed the repair time budget for the first time. | 39.30%珍貴度 | |
#30Specialist Tune your car for the first time. | 44.20%珍貴度 | |
#31Bring it on! Finish a Special Stage using tyres that aren't adapted to the road surface. | 36.40%珍貴度 | |
#32"Beam me up, Scotty" Respawn manually for the first time. | 51.60%珍貴度 | |
#33"Back in Time" Use the Snapshot for the first time. | 81.90%珍貴度 | |
#34Couch surfer Finish a Special Stage with at least two players in Multiplayer mode. | 27.00%珍貴度 |
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大。15.63G / 語言:簡體《亞爾斯蘭戰(zhàn)記X無雙》日版,本座是由光榮旗下無雙系列制作組Omega Force開發(fā)的動作游戲,改編自《銀河英雄傳說》小說家田中芳樹原著、自1986年連載至今的架空歷史小說《亞爾斯蘭戰(zhàn)記》,采用《鋼之鍊金術師》漫畫家荒川弘執(zhí)筆之同名漫畫改編電視動畫版設定為基礎,融合架空歷史劇情與大規(guī)模戰(zhàn)場戰(zhàn)斗。XBOX360斬妖除魔地獄詛咒
大。1.95G / 語言:英文Nordic Games宣布要為PC玩家?guī)鞵ainKiller新作《斬妖除魔:地獄詛咒(Painkiller:Hell & Damnation)》。該作由波蘭游戲工作室Gliwice/Katowice負責開發(fā),首次將該系列升級至虛幻3引擎。XBOX360猴子島的秘密2特別版
大。957M / 語言:英文《猴子島的秘密2特別版》是Lucasfilm旗下的經(jīng)典解謎游戲《Monkey Island》系列的最新版,在新版中不僅僅是在畫面上重新進行了再次制作,連音樂、旁白都是全新的?梢哉f這是一款全新的《Monkey Island》也不為過。XBOX360山姆和麥克斯拯救世界
大。460M / 語言:英文《山姆和麥克斯:拯救世界》是一系列逗趣得獎作品中的第一彈,這系列作品中每一季共有6集的內(nèi)容。在游戲中主角Sam以及他那活蹦亂跳的兔子伙伴Max這次遇到了棘手的謎題,他們身邊的人忽然全都受到了催眠。不但是童星們與熱門脫口秀的主持人個個精神不濟,就連美國總統(tǒng)都中了招!到底 Sam與Max能否在整個世界陷入昏迷之前找出整件陰謀的幕后元兇呢?XBOX360卡坦島
大。25.6M / 語言:英文卡坦島是一款比較不錯的思考策略游戲。游戲以大航海時代時航海家發(fā)現(xiàn)了一個資源豐富的島嶼為背景。該島嶼被喚作卡坦島?ㄌ箥u由平原、草原、森林、山丘及山脈組成。
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